Kars old kashar creates its unique aroma by using the milk of cows fed from more than 1500 kinds of plants in the mountains of Kars province, using natural dairy methods and shirdan yeast, and keeping it in cold weather cellars for at least 6 months. What gives this cheese its difference, whose naturalness is reflected in its taste, is the high altitude plateaus of Kars province. It is produced only from the milk of cows fed here. In order to obtain 1 kg of old kashar, 10-12 kg of milk must be processed depending on the fat content of the milk. One wheel of old kashar weighs 14 kg or more when it is first put into the mold. After a maturation period of at least 6 months, this amount decreases to 13 kg. After this maturation process, the kashar cheese reaches the desired aroma and consistency. The maturation process may vary between 6 and 24 months depending on the demand and the condition of the kashar.
Turkish Cheese Types and Local Cheeses
Feta cheese
Feta cheese is a salty and soft type of cheese, usually made from goat or cow's milk. It is frequently used in Turkish cuisine and preferred for breakfast.
Cheddar cheese
Kashar cheese is a type of melted cheese made from cow's milk, usually yellow in color. It is widely used in Turkish cuisine and sandwiches.
Curd Cheese
Curd cheese is a type of cheese generally used in pastries, salads, omelettes and desserts. It can be used in both savory and sweet recipes.
Tulum cheese
Tulum cheese is a hard and salty cheese type generally produced in the Black Sea and Eastern Anatolia regions.
Ezine cheese
Ezine cheese is a fatty, salty and hard cheese type produced especially in the Ezine district of Thrace. It is famous for its unique taste.
Local Cheeses
Local cheeses are usually named after the region where they are produced. For example, while Ezine cheese is produced in the Ezine district of Thrace, Van herb cheese is produced in the Van province of Eastern Anatolia.